What is Covid-19, Symptoms and treatment

Corona virus also known as Covid-19 is spreading at a major level. Its journey started from China , and now it has infected almost 200 countries by now I am writing this article. This unseen killer also called corona virus has infected almost half million people in the world out of which only 1 lac recovered and 23 thousand people died. Average Death rate in Italy and Spain is round about 700 deaths per day. And its next target is Asian countries where people are not taking it serious .

Initial Story :

                                If you have recently visited Europe or living in Europe or any infected area of world then you must go for the test. If you feel sickness or illness or floe then you must visit a doctor or quarantine yourself from others. Take healthy diets, leave diets that weaken your immune system.

Symptoms  :

1)      Sickness/illness
2)      Floe
3)      Difficulty in taking breath
4)      Chest infection
5)      Headache

Which Age group is mostly affected with this virus ?

This virus is mostly affecting those who have weak immune system. And generally people in the old age have weak immune system . so it is mostly affected those old age people. But it is not necessary , like many countries have young population affected with this virus because of weak immune system .

Here are some guidelines and precautions that how you can stop virus to reach yourself.

  •     Use Tissue paper while coughing
  •         Use tissue paper once only.
  •     Don’t put your hand on your mouth while coughing
  •     If you don’t have tissue then bend your elbow and cough into that.
  •     Stay away from others if you having floe.
  •     Avoid hugging and hand shake
  •     Wear Disposable masks.
  •     Try not to go near corona suspected person
  •     Wash eggs and meat before cooking it.
  •     Wash your hands before wearing mask.
  •     Colored part of mask should always be on outer side.
  •     If mask gets wet then change it immediately .
  •     Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.
  •     Use Sanitizer if available.
  •     Use any low quality soap available into your home , as sanitizer is not much necessary.

 Note : if you follow these 15 guidelines then corona will not affect you.

Treatment for Covid-19 : 

There is no treatment for covid-19 but to isolate yourself .
From the past two decades, World including Asian countries have started eating food that has weaken their immune system. Because of weak immune system, people get infected with this and in the end they dead because there immune system don’t have enough power to fight with this virus.
There is a hadith whose summary is  :
                        Take Kalonji daily, it saves you from every disease except Death.
So believe me, it is so simple just take it.  

So WHO have recommended to strengthen your immune system by taking healthy food.

Here is a list of food that can help you to fight with virus :

  •                     SugarCane Juice 
  •             Lemon juice 
  •             Milk
  •             Fresh Juices 
  •             Fresh meat ( not broiler)
  •             Fish
  •             Vegetables
  •             Yougart

IF you take food daily , then there is no chance that you will be infected with this virus.